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Welcome 2023!

Thank you for your ongoing support of our family business and our model of health and physiotherapy care.

I don’t do new years resolutions. In my experience, they don’t work.

I do, however, set goals and re-evaluate them at this time of year.

Our goals for 2022 were clear.

1) Support our staff in post-graduate study options

2) Create new treatment options in line with recent scientific advancements

3) Create a clear pathway for each patient to reach their goals and lead healthier lives

2022 was tough. We knew that to reach our goals, we needed to create the safest and most supportive environment we could for our staff and community.

We got through 2022. We all worked hard and I am thankful that we have such a dedicated team supporting our community.

We did reach our goals.

Reuben and Janelle are now 50% through their Masters’ degrees.

We rolled out VR Rehabilitation, Clinical Pilates, NDIS specific rehabilitation options, and long term injury prevention workshops.

Our staff carried out individualised treatment plans, complex case conferencing and personalised professional development to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.

2023 will be a good year.

This year, my promise to you is that we will continue to go above and beyond to deliver excellence in healthcare, physiotherapy and exercise.

We will continue to push the boundaries of science and health. We will continue to look for efficient and effective treatment for your pain and injuries.

My promise to our community is that we will continue striving for the best treatment for you and your injuries.

This year, we have expanded our treatment and exercise options.

We have expanded our Clinical Pilates - our physio-lead rehabilitation classes are now being run daily at our private Pilates Studio in Mindarie.

These semi-private Pilates-inspired reformer classes are designed to get you mobile and strong in a low impact, highly supervised environment.

Our physios design your programs specific to your needs, and manage your progressions as you get stronger and more capable.

Our Intensive Rehabilitation classes are commencing at Drovers and Anchorage Drive once more. These classes are semi-private gym-based rehabilitation exercise, specifically tailored to your injury and rehab goals.

Highly supervised and run by a physio, these classes will get you strong and capable of heavy or dynamic loads rapidly.

Our Exercise Physiology team are continuing with their classes.

Our Strength Training classes are designed to keep you safe and progressing in a gym environment, whilst helping you prevent future injuries and illnesses.

These classes can help you meet your Exercise Recommendations as directed by the World Health Organisation.

Our Circuit classes are a great way to get your cardio exercise completed for the week. People who engage in cardio based exercise on a regular basis, are less likely to obtain pain or injury on a long term basis.

Our Exercise Physiology team also have a range of Seniors classes, focusing on functional strength and balance, to help you age well.

Staying strong and healthy through every stage in our lives is vital to our wellbeing.

Lastly, we are kick-starting this week with our new Mums&Bubs Pilates Block. This will incorporate pelvic health, core strength and return to exercise in the post partum period.

Our Physio will also go through baby massage techniques o help engage with and settle Bub.

As always, our high quality and friendly service is here for you.

Our manual therapy techniques, dry needling and personalised care, are as good as ever.

Our team are dedicated to providing rapid pain relief, get you moving effectively and offering long term solutions to your problems.

We want you to be the very best version of yourself.

Our dream for you, is to help you achieve your movement, exercise and injury goals for 2023.

Thank you once again for trusting us with your health and wellness journey.

My family and I are thankful to be part of such an amazing community, and to have our amazing team supporting us.

- Steph


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