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Priyanka Bhalvani

Senior Physiotherapist

APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

BSc. Physiotherapy; MSc. Clinical Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal Major) 


Priyanka (Priya) is an APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and she completed her Master of Clinical Physiotherapy degree from Curtin University in 2017. Prior to this, she obtained her bachelor of Physiotherapy from India in 2011.


Priya joined our team in 2020 and has contributed significantly to the development of our team. Priya is in charge of our Mentoring Program, which sees her conduct 1:1 and small group mentoring sessions, tailored to the needs our individual staff members. 

Clinically she enjoys treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions like spinal pain, shoulder, hip, and knee pain but has a particular interest in treating chronic complex pain. After a thorough examination, she aims to find out the source/drivers of pain and then modulate these with treatment techniques like manual therapy, education, and exercises to best achieve her patient’s goals. 

Outside of work she enjoys practicing yoga, catching up with friends, and spending family time with her husband and daughter.

Location: Anchorage Drive Physiotherapy - Mindarie

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